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Have Your Say – projects currently open for Community Feedback

Have a chat with your Mayor Ola

Come have a chat with your Mayor Ola at one of our monthly catch ups.
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Train Timetable Community Forum

Cumberland is holding a community meeting to get your feedback on recent changes to express trains on the Western Train Line.
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Save Carnavon Golf Course

Save Carnarvon Golf Course. Help protect our green spaces and sign the petition.
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Woodville Road Corridor - Draft Planning Proposal

Have Your Say on the Draft Woodville Road Corridor Planning Proposal.
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Chiswick Park Upgrade

Have your say on the proposed design of a new basketball mini court in Chiswick Park, Auburn.
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Cumberland Local Business Sentiment Survey

Participate in our 2025 Local Business Sentiment Survey for your chance to make a difference and win great prizes.
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Disability Inclusion Action Plan Survey

Help us to make Cumberland more inclusive by completing our Disability Inclusion Action Plan survey.
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Seniors and Disability Annual Customer Survey 2025

If you have used Council's Seniors and / or Disability Services in the past year, we would appreciate it if you take some time to complete our Seniors and Disability Annual Customer Survey.
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NSW Government's Transport Oriented Development Program at Berala and Lidcombe

Information about the NSW Government's Transport Oriented Development Program in Berala and Lidcombe.
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Stay Informed - find out about projects and works underway

Merrylands CBD Infrastructure Upgrade

Get the latest updates on the Merrylands CBD Infrastructure Upgrades.
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Pippita Rail Trail Masterplan

Stay up to date on the latest news on the 'Pippita Rail Trail' Masterplan.
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Joseph Street Precinct Upgrade

Stay up to date on the latest news for the Joseph Street Precinct Upgrade.
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New Auburn Basketball Centre

Get the latest updates on the new Auburn Basketball Centre.
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Guildford Pool Modernisation Project

Stay up to date on the Guildford Pool Modernisation Project.
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Smart Cumberland

Get the latest updates on how we are making Cumberland a smart city.
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Cumberland Sports Clubs

Everything you need to know for Cumberland City Sports Clubs.
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Bushfire Information for Cumberland Residents

Get the latest news on Bush Fire Management in Cumberland.
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Business Conversations

Cumberland City Council runs free business programs and provides a range of resources and services to help grow your business.
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Community Conversations

Updates on Council news and other Cumberland community initiatives, important information and helpful tips.
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Cumberland Town Centres

Stay up to date with the latest news about our Council Town Centre projects.
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Parks and Open Spaces

Cumberland has a number of ongoing projects in parks and open spaces. We have put together a list here for your convenience, so you can stay up to date on the various projects.
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Planning Proposals, VPAs & Development Control Plans

Cumberland has a number of ongoing planning proposals. Stay up to date with our convenient list.
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Cumberland Traffic and Transport

Cumberland has a number of ongoing projects in traffic and transport. We have put together a list here for your convenience, so you can stay up to date on the various projects.
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Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Program (PRUAIP)

Stay informed about the Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Program (PRUAIP).
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Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport

Find out the latest news the preliminary flight paths and airspace design forWestern Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport.
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Cool Carpark Project

Stay up to date with news about the Cool Carpark Project in Holroyd Gardens Carpark.
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Recycling in Cumberland

Our Resource Recovery Team helps us to have a Zero Waste summer.
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Merrylands & Guildford Public Art Murals

Find out the latest news about the new murals in Merrylands and Guildford.
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Bathurst Street Park Amenities

Consultation has closed on the proposed public amenities for Bathurst Street Park in Greystanes
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Cumberland Playspace Upgrade Program

Get the latest news on our Playspace Upgrade Program.
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Cumberland Park Upgrades 2023

Stay up to date on park upgrades around Cumberland City.
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Kibo Reserve

Stay up to date on the latest updates for Kibo Reserve in Berala.
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Consultation period has closed - view project status

Sydney Central City Planning Panel - Expression of Interest

Expressions of Interests have closed for the Sydney Central City Planning Panel.
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Monterey Street South Wentworthville - Proposed Drainage Easement

Submissions have closed on the proposed Grant of Drainage Easement for 18 Monterey Street, South Wentworthville.
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Councillor Expenses and Facilities - Draft Policy

Consultation has closed on the Draft Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy.
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Community Centres Office Outreach Spaces - Request for Tender 2024

Submissions have closed for the licence of office/outreach spaces (community hubs) within our local community centres.
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Community Engagement Strategy 2025

Consultation has closed on the Draft Community Engagement Strategy 2025 - 2029.
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Forest Gum Park Upgrade

Consultation has closed on the Forest Gum Park Upgrade in Greystanes.
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Illegal Dumping Survey 2024

Consultation has closed on the Illegal Dumping in Cumberland survey.
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Create Cumberland: Our Community Strategic Plan

Create Cumberland: feedback has closed on our Community Strategic Plan
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Duck River, Duck Creek and A'Becketts Creek Catchment Areas Overland Flood Study

Consultation has closed on the Duck River, Duck Creek and A'Becketts Creek Catchment Areas Overland Flood Study.
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Westmead South - Draft Master Plan

Consultation has closed on the Draft Master Plan for Westmead South
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Proposed Granville lane naming (Hayat Lane)

Consultation has closed on the proposed naming of an unnamed lane in Granville.
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7 Hyland Road Greystanes - Proposed Granting of Carparking Licence and Lease Agreement

Consultation has closed on the Proposed Granting of Car Parking Licence and Lease Agreement for the Cultural and Education Centre, 7 Hyland Road Greystanes.
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