Kibo Reserve

Get the latest updates on Kibo Reserve Berala

June 2024 update:

The plants are in the Woody Meadow and this stage of construction is now being finalised. See the images below for the layout and the first flowers!

Pink flowers in new woody meadow beds in Kibo Reserve Berala  Woody meadow garden bed in Kibo Reserve Berala

April 2024 update:

Works commenced on the Woody Meadow planting project in April 2024 and are expected to be complete by late May 2024 (weather permitting)

During this time we’ll aim to minimise any inconvenience.

This project is proudly funded by the NSW Government as part of the Greening Our Cities program.

July 2023 update:

Consultation on the Kibo Reserve Concept Plan has closed and submissions are being reviewed. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.

June 2023 consultation: Kibo Reserve Concept Plan

Based on a review of previous engagement council has developed a plan for Kibo reserve that provides a variety of play and recreation opportunities for the community. Key features of this plan include a walking loop, a playspace with a range of equipment for all ages and abilities, outdoor fitness equipment, planting within the existing detention basin to improve habitat, and the planting of a woody meadow. View the Kibo Reserve Concept Plan in the Document Library

Kibo Reserve Woody Meadow

Council will create its first woody meadow project at Kibo Reserve in Berala. The project is based on successful trials in Melbourne using Australian shrubs to improve the appearance and function of low-maintenance landscapes. The concept has been adapted from European meadow plantings for an Australian context by using a diverse range of Australian Shrubs selected for high aesthetic values, plus their ability to reshoot to maximise flowering and longevity.

This project is proudly funded by the NSW Government as part of the Greening Our Cities program.

To Make A Submission on the Proposal:

Submissions concerning the above proposal are to be made by Tuesday 11 July 2023.

There are three ways you can lodge a submission:

  1. Complete an online submission below.
  2. Email your submission to
  3. Post your submissions to The General Manager, Cumberland City Council, PO Box 42, Merrylands NSW 2160.

Hit the 'Follow' button so you can stay up to date on all the news about Kibo Reserve.

December 2022 update:

Consulation has closed on feedback for the proposed upgrades to Kibo Reserve, and submissions are now being reviewed. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback.

November 2022 consultation:

Council is about to start the planning and design for an upgrade to the Kibo Reserve including the playspace.

We want to hear about what you currently think about the park and what you'd like to see in the future to help guide the development of the playspace. Any improvement will need to be in keeping with the scale and use of this local passive park.

During this community consultation period, residents are encouraged to complete the survey and submit their comments on the proposed options. The consultation period closed on Monday 12 December 2022.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about this project, please contact:

Richard Loudon

Landscape Architect

P: (02) 8757 9000
