Endeavour Energy completed the work they needed to do in mid December. This will now allow the remaining construction work to proceed.
The remaining work will proceed at the start of 2025, and is anticipated to complete in March 2025.
The safety and wellbeing of our community will remain our highest priority and we will keep the community updated and informed as work progresses.
Alderson Park is now anticipated to open in mid-January 2025.
This delay is due to the current climatic conditions affecting turf and plant establishment and final playground works.
The Alderson Park upgrade works are nearing completion with a few remaining tasks needed to ensure the park is ready for the community to enjoy.
We are aiming to have the works complete and the park open before 25 December 2024. Thank you for your patience.
Artist impressions of proposed equipment for Whyman Park can be viewed in the gallery.
Cumberland City Council, in partnership with the NSW Environment Protection Authority, is hosting a free Household Chemical Clean Out on Saturday 26 October 2024 from 9am to 3.30pm, at Cumberland City Council’s Works Depot, entry via Foray Street, Guildford West.
Residents may drop off household quantities (up to a maximum of 20 litres or kilograms of a single item) of the following items:
The Merrylands CBD Drainage and Infrastructure Upgrade is progressing with Addlestone Road now open to southbound traffic from Merrylands Road, improving the traffic flow and easing congestion around the project.
The Holroyd Centre in Merrylands is one of Cumberland's premier venues.
For the first time in more than 15 years, an opportunity exists for a local church or community group to hire The Holroyd Centre on a long term continual basis on a Sunday morning.
Several spaces are available, and it would and suit congregations of between 50 - 300 people.
If this seems like the perfect venue for your group, your expression of interest can be directed to:
Dean Savetta
Manager, Holroyd Centre
P: 8757...
The playground upgrade at Kulgun park, Auburn has recommenced and currently in remediation works stage.
Approvals for Endeavour Energy to relocate electrical services along the western side of Addlestone Road have been finalised and works are expected to commence end of September 2024.
It is estimated that Addlestone Road will be opened to southbound traffic early to mid-September 2024 (subject to weather). The western side of Addlestone Rd (i.e. northbound lane) will need to be closed for a period of time.
We anticipate this part of the works should be completed by December 2024 (subject to...
New artwork has been installed at Auburn North Public school as part of this stage of the Parramatta Road project. Some images are available in the gallery.
The project is also due to be completed by the end of August, weather permitting.