Planning Proposal (PP2021/0002) for 80 Betty Cuthbert Drive Lidcombe

Architect's blueprintsLatest news for 80 Betty Cuthbert Drive Lidcombe

May 2023 Update:

The planning proposal was notified on 12 May 2023, The proposal notified can be viewed on Planning Portal.

February 2024 update:

The planning proposal (PP2021/002) for 80 Betty Cuthert Drive Lidcombe has been finalised.

December 2022 update:

The recission motion for the Planning Proposal at 80 Betty Cuthbert Drive Lidcombe was withdrawn at the Council meeting on 21 December 2022, the resolution of Council, as per the meeting of 7 December 2022 is as follows:

Motion (Farooqui/Huang)

That Council:

  1. Adopt the exhibited planning controls for 80 Betty Cuthbert Drive, Lidcombe, that seeks to amend the Cumberland Local Environmental Plan 2021 being:
    • a. Rezone the Site from SP2 Hospital to SP2 Educational Establishment, SP2 Hospital, SP2 Drainage and R3 Medium Density Residential.
    • b. Amend the Height of Building control for the site from nil to 9m within the R3 Medium Density Residential zone.
    • c. Amend the Floor Space Ratio control for the site from nil to 0.75:1 within the R3 Medium Density Residential zone.
    • d. Apply existing clause 4.1(3C) and associated mapping to allow maximum subdivision lot sizes between 170sqm and 350sqm on the R3 zoned part of the Site, consistent with Botanica.
  2. Endorse that the planning proposal for 80 Betty Cuthbert Drive, Lidcombe, be forwarded to Department of Planning and Environment for plan making and finalisation.
  3. Note that the Local Environmental Plan amendment will be published in the Government Gazette upon finalisation.
  4. Adopt the site-specific Development Control Plan as an amendment to the Cumberland Development Control Plan 2021, as provided in Attachment 2, with the Development Control Plan coming into effect on the date of notification (gazettal) of the Local Environmental Plan amendment.
  5. Delegate to the General Manager the authority to make minor, non-policy corrections or formatting changes to the Development Control Plan controls, if required, prior to it coming into effect.
  6. Note that the proponent has elected not to enter into a Planning Agreement with Council on the basis that the proposal will deliver a range of public benefits.
  7. Writes to the NSW Government seeking a firm commitment to the provision of a new public school.

October 2022 update:

Consultation has closed on the planning proposal for 80 Betty Cuthbert Drive Lidcombe, and submissions have been reviewed. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback, we have finalised the planning proposal. 

September 2022 consultation:

Council invited you to have your say on a request to amend planning controls for 80 Betty Cuthbert Drive, Lidcombe.

The proposal was initiated by the landowner, Property and Development NSW, and seeks to facilitate redevelopment of the site for a mix of health, education and residential land uses. This is proposed to be achieved by amending Cumberland Local Environmental Plan as follows:

  • Rezone the site from SP2 Infrastructure (Hospital) to SP2 Infrastructure (Education), SP2 Infrastructure (Health), SP2 Infrastructure (Drainage) and R3 Medium Density Residential zoned land
  • Apply to the proposed R3 portion of the site, a 9 metre Maximum Building Heights (HOB) control and 0.75:1 Floor Space Ratio (FSR) control. It is noted that the site currently has no HOB or FSR control.

The proposed site can be viewed on the map below and in the image gallery:

80 Betty Cuthbert Drive masterplan

Thank you for your feedback!

Council values the opinions and suggestions of the community, and would appreciate your thoughts on the planning proposal for 80 Betty Cuthbert Drive.  

We encourage you to download a copy of the planning proposal and other documents for review from our document library.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about this project, please contact:

Harinee De Silva
Planning Systems Team
P: (02) 8757 9000

Join the conversation and have your say!