To improve Auburn’s liveability, the NSW Government has awarded Cumberland Council $27million to improve public spaces and begin the rejuvenation to enhance it as a place to live, shop and do business. This grant is part of a wider program to revitalise public spaces along the Parramatta Road corridor (PRUAIP). The following four (4) amenity improvement projects within the Cumberland City Council Local Government Area were identified:
- Open Space: Extension of Auburn Park
- New Public Open Space: Stubbs Street Streetscape
- Parramatta Road Public Domain Improvements
- Melton Street M4 pedestrian cycleway overpass upgrade
This is part of the State Government's 30-year strategic plan to transform the Parramatta Road corridor. The Parramatta Road Urban Transformation Strategy (PRUTS) will bring a coordinated approach to development inside the Parramatta Road corridor.
NSW Government is proudly funding Cumberland City Council with grant funding to deliver the projects.
Council intends to call for tenders for these three projects in August 2020 with intention for the project to commence in October 2020. The staging of construction works will be determined upon receipt of tender offers and in consultation with the successful contractor.
All residents and business within the affected areas will be notified prior to the commencement of construction works.
Scope of works
The scope of works includes the following:
Open Space: Extension of Auburn Park
Auburn Park is a popular open space and is heavily used by the local community, the adjacent Auburn Girls High School and sporting clubs. It is currently degraded with areas that are poorly connected. The purchase of additional land will provide the opportunity to extend Auburn Park to the west and provide improved connections with Karrabah Road to provide recreational facilities such as multipurpose courts, fitness equipment, BBQs and picnic facilities. Funding is for the purchase of land only with embellishments provided by Council.
Stubbs Street Streetscape Upgrades
Stubbs Street provides a major vehicle connection from Parramatta Road in the south to Silverwater industrial and residential community over the M4. The streetscape will be improved for the benefit of pedestrians and cyclists with new footpaths, street tree planting in blisters and painted symbols for on road cyclists. New pedestrian ramps will also be provided with new turf adjacent the footpaths to improve the overall visual amenity.
Parramatta Road Public Domain Improvements
Creation of a more pleasant environment for pedestrians through tree planting to create shade and a sense of separation from vehicles, as well as new footpath, street furniture, signage, undergrounding of power and upgraded lighting.
Melton Street M4 pedestrian cycleway overpass upgrade
Melton Street overpass forms an important pedestrian and cycle connection between Auburn in the south and Silverwater in the north. It also provides an important connection for students to access Auburn North Public School and Auburn Girls High School. Currently the overpass has some major issues with safety particularly where the ramps terminate at the street edges. It is proposed to install blisters to both sides of Adderley Street West to calm traffic at the pedestrian crossing at Melton Street South and provide improved access to the Public School as well as the overpass to Parramatta Road. Blisters are also proposed on Deakin Street with a new pedestrian crossing at the northern ramp to the M4 overpass.
Public Art
As part of upgrades, there is the opportunity to enhance the urban environment through streetscaping and public art.
The project stages are:
- Stage 1 – Calling for tender: August 2020
- Stage 2 – Projects commence: November 2020
- Stage 3 – Construction completion: to be confirmed (pending information in tenders)