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Lidcombe Remembrance Park Playspace - Draft Concept Design

Latest news on the new playspace area for Lidcombe Remembrance Park

Lidcombe Remembrance ParkJuly 2024 update

The consultation on the draft Concept Design for the new playspace area for Lidcombe Remembrance Park has closed, and submissions are now being reviewed. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback. 

June 2024 consultation

Council has prepared a Concept Design for proposed upgrades to Lidcombe Remembrance Park. The upgrades include a new playspace, amenities building and landscape embellishments to the eastern portion of the park (known as 6 Taylor Street). The Concept Design draws from the rich history of the park and how it has changed over many years.

These proposed upgrades are identified within the Remembrance Park Precinct as part of the Lidcombe Town Centre Public Domain Plan, adopted by council in 2023.


Key features of the playspace include a central play shade structure, large multiplay structure, sensory play, native gardens, and active play zones featuring scrambling, jumping, rocking and spinning play elements. Accessibility is also a notable feature of the upgrade with accessible paths of travel, easy-access equipment and furniture, and accessible toilets.

Click on the artist concept of the proposed design is below or the Gallery for a larger view.

Concept design inspirations using elements of heritage for Remembrance Park Lidcombe

Now we want your feedback!

Council values the opinions and suggestions of the community, and would appreciate your input on the draft Concept Design for Lidcombe Remembrance Park.

We encourage you to view the Lidcombe Remembrance Park Concept Design below, or from our document library.


During this community consultation period, residents are encouraged to provide feedback on the draft Concept Design via the quick poll, or by commenting below. Submissions are open until Friday 28 June 2024.

To make a submission on this consultation:

Submissions for this consultation are to be made by 6pm Friday 28 June 2024.

There are three ways you can lodge your feedback:

  1. Complete an online submission below.
  2. Email your submission to
  3. Post your submission to The General Manager, Cumberland City Council, PO Box 42, Merrylands NSW 2160.

NOTE: Submissions are now closed. 

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