Lidcombe Remembrance Park Playspace - Draft Concept Design


These works are fully funded by the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure through Phase 3 of the Accelerated Infrastructure Fund. The purpose of the fund is to speed up the delivery of local infrastructure in high-growth areas of NSW.

These works were identified in the recently-adopted Lidcombe Public Domain Plan. Further works to Remembrance Park will be subject to future planning and funding priorities in accordance with the Plan.

Dogs are not permitted within 10 metres of a children’s play area in accordance with the Companion Animals Act 1998. The rest of the park is considered a public place and dogs must always be under effective control (on a leash).  

The proposal includes an integrated shade structure over the playground, supplemented by shade tree planting 

The project will provide over 30 new trees to support urban tree canopy in the town centre. 

In developing the project, four trees are proposed for removal to provide sufficient space for the play area and improve connectivity within Remembrance Park. This information is provided on the concept plan.

Existing trees in other parts of Remembrance Park, including the Lone Pine at the memorial, will not be affected by the project.