Joyce Street Park Upgrade Pendle Hill

Illustration of diverse group of people in parkLatest news on the Joyce Street Park Upgrade Pendle Hill

July 2024 update:

The consultation on the Joyce Street Park Upgrade in Pendle Hill has closed, and submissions are now being reviewed. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback.

June 2024 consultation:

Council has prepared a draft concept plan for Joyce Street Park in Pendle Hill, and we want your feedback.

The proposed upgrades will include features such as improved seating, pavement, landscaped areas, a bubbler and smart city integration. A realignment of the pedestrian crossing is proposed to connect the park and the station; and will be subject to further design and traffic committee approvals.

Improvements to Joyce Street Park are identified within the Pendle Way Precinct as part of the Pendle Hill Town Centre Public Domain Plan, adopted by council in 2023.

Now we want your feedback:

Council values the opinions and suggestions of the community and would appreciate your thoughts on the proposed upgrade of Joyce Street Park in Pendle Hill.

During the consultation period, we encourage you to download a copy of the Joyce Street Park Upgrade Draft Concept Plan for review from our document library or see below.


The consultation period will run from Monday 24th June to Monday 22 July 2024. During this community consultation period, residents are encouraged to submit their comments on the proposal. 

Leave a comment and let us know your feedback

Submissions concerning the above proposal are to be made by 6pm Monday 22 July 2024.

  1. Complete an online submission below.
  2. Email your feedback to
  3. Post your feedback to The General Manager, Cumberland City Council, PO Box 42, Merrylands NSW 2160.

NOTE: Submissions have now closed.

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Any questions?

If you have any questions about this project upgrade, please contact:

Ahmed Mehio
Acting Coordinator Public Spaces Planning and Design
P: (02) 8757 9332

Join the conversation and have your say!