Global News Listing

  • Feast up Fridays in Westmead

    Held every Friday in November from 5pm, grab a bite to eat from the food trucks, discover the fun-coloured furniture and let the kids enjoy the range of free games.

    Plus, look over and provide your feedback on the Draft Westmead South Master plan.

    Friday 3 November 5pm-9pm - Pop up stall at the Oakes Centre

    Friday 10 November 5pm-9pm - Pop up stall at the Oakes Centre

    Friday 17 November 5pm-9pm - Pop up stall at the Oakes Centre

    Friday 24 November 5pm-9pm - Pop up stall at the Oakes Centre

  • Parramatta Road Project - November 2023 update

    Macquarie Road

    Civil works and landscape works are now completed.
    Artwork, on the new concrete pavement, will be installed early 2024.

    Tree planting along Paramatta road

    Melton Street

    This project is completed.

    Parramatta Road

    Civil works are well under way and will substantially be completed late December 2023.
    The undergrounding of the overhead wires is anticipated by March 2024 with artwork installation and project completion by April 2024.

  • October 2023 episode - Prospect Hill update

    Welcome to the October 2023 episode of Cumberland Conversations Podcast. This month we have:

    * An update on the Prospect Hill Heritage and Related Places Integrated Heritage Interpretation Plan.
    * All about the upcoming community activations in Merrylands Civic Square.
    * The latest news on the Trade Up to a Better Future - Try a Trade Discovery Day in November.
    * The ⁠⁠⁠latest community consultations⁠⁠⁠ and initiatives in Cumberland.

    Presented by ⁠⁠⁠Cumberland City Council⁠⁠⁠ Community...

  • Proposed Planning Controls - October 2023 update

    In 2021, the planning proposal for targeted sites in Merrylands, Guildford, and Victor Brazier Park underwent evaluation by the Council and the Local Planning Panel. These proposals were subsequently submitted to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment in mid to late 2021.

    During their assessment, the Department identified the need for additional technical reports to assess the proposals' impact on their respective surroundings, except for Victor Brazier Park. In response to the...

  • 2023 Small Business Month event

    Cumberland City Council and the Greater Cumberland Chamber of Commerce are presenting at this year’s Small Business Month Event - Acceler8 Cumberland on Friday 20 October.

    This year we are very fortunate to have:

    • Senator Tim Ayres - Assistant Minister for Trade and Manufacturing
    • Carlos Antonius - Chief Executive Officer - Cha Time Group as our guest speakers.

    This will be followed by an informative panel discussion on the topic of the Digital Economy with Jenny Dinh, Director of Co. Lab...

  • Specific sites in Merrylands and Guildford update

    In 2021, the planning proposal for targeted sites in Merrylands, Guildford, and Victor Brazier Park underwent evaluation by the Council and the Local Planning Panel. These proposals were subsequently submitted to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment in mid to late 2021.

    During their assessment, the Department identified the need for additional technical reports to assess the proposals' impact on their respective surroundings, except for Victor Brazier Park. In response to the...

  • September 2023 podcast - local business special

    Welcome to the September 2023 episode of Cumberland Conversations Podcast. This month we have a local business special:

    * An update on the Draft Local Shop Study, currently underway across Cumberland.
    * All about the Cumberland Business Assist Program, which has been launched in Regents Park.
    * The ⁠⁠latest community consultations⁠⁠ and initiatives in Cumberland.

    Presented by the ⁠Cumberland City Council⁠ Community Engagement Team.

  • Parramatta Road Project - September 2023 Update

    Macquarie Road

    The upgrade of Macquarie Road from Parramatta Road to Auburn Park has commenced and will be completed in October 2023.

    The Macquarie Road project will include the following works, along both sides of the road: -

    • reconstruction of existing paved footpath areas
    • new streetscapes with planting
    • installation of public art images along the new pavement

    A concept plan is available in the document library.

    Melton Street

    Embrace Monuments artwork in Melton Street was recently...

  • Regents Park Business Assist Program

    Cumberland City Council is pleased to announce the Regents Park Business Assistance program. This program is designed to help our local businesses in Regents Park thrive and make the community more attractive and welcoming.

    The program will offer local businesses access to a variety of resources and support and Council is working to beautify our community by planting trees, installing new flowerpots and improving the area.

    We’d love to hear your thoughts on how we can make a more attractive...

  • Trade Up to a Better Future Discovery Day

    Cumberland Council extends its heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated in the "Trade Up to a Better Future – Try a Trade Discovery Day" on September 21, 2023, at Princes Park, Auburn, NSW.

    While this event has ended, we encourage you to stay connected for future opportunities. We look forward to seeing you again in the pursuit of a brighter future through trades and STEM.

    Thank you for making this event a success, and here's to a future filled with exciting opportunities!


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