Ruth Street Park Upgrade

Council is upgrading Ruth Street Park

Illustration of diverse group of people involved in various activities in a parkCumberland City Council is upgrading Ruth Street Park in Merrylands West.

The upgrade will involve installation of play space facilities, picnic area, drinking water fountain and furniture, pedestrian footpath, fencing upgrade and landscape planting to deliver an enhanced experience for park users in the Cumberland City Community. The park upgrade is partially funded by the NSW Government in association with Cumberland City Council.

Ruth Street Park

Work on Ruth Street Park is complete, and includes:

- A new playground with inclusive play opportunities
- Bench seats
- Shelter and fencing
- New garden beds and newly planted trees
- New footpaths, new park sign and plaque

Any questions?

If you have any questions about this project, please contact:

Projects Team
P: (02) 8757 9000

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