Latest news on the Planning Proposal Request for Merrylands Road and McFarlane Street Merrylands
March 2021 Update:
The Planning Proposal was notified on 26 March 2021. The notified proposal can be viewed on Planning Portal.
May 2021 update:
The survey is now closed, and submissions are now being reviewed. Thank you to all who provided feedback.
April 2021 consultation:
Council invited you to have your say on a Planning Proposal Request to amend the Holroyd Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2013 to increase existing principal development controls applying to approved Buildings D and E (refer site below) to allow for an additional 5 storeys, and to formalise a housekeeping amendment for height of buildings approved for Building A (refer below) for land at 233, 249-259 Merrylands Road and 52-54 McFarlane Street located within the Merrylands Town Centre.
The proponent for this proposal request is Merrylands Investment Co Pty Ltd and the land subject to the request is zoned B4 Mixed Use.
A letter of offer is also provided as public benefit.
The main intended outcome of this proposal request is to facilitate and create a better transition of building heights within this part of the street block that applies to a broader precinct containing a range of buildings with land uses and represent a good urban design outcome. This is sought to be achieved via the following amendments to the Holroyd LEP 2013:
- Increase the maximum building height from 55m (16 storeys) to 71m (21 storeys) for Building D.
- Increase the maximum building height from 77m (23 Storeys) to 93m (28 storeys) for Building E.
- Amend the location of the height transition through change to the maximum building height from 55m to 77m to Building A to reflect the current approved development application.
- Increase the existing mapped FSR control from 5.5:1 to 7.5:1 for Buildings D and E (Note: The above proposed FSR excludes the potential design competition FSR bonus of 0.5:1)
- Remove the application and provisions of existing LEP Clause 4.4 (2B) from Buildings D and E.
A Development Application (DA) has also been approved for the precinct (DA 2020/0220) by the Sydney Central Planning Panel, to facilitate the construction of five mixed use buildings (A to E) with retail and commercial tenancies, a child care facility and 790 residential apartments over 4 levels of basement parking with associated stormwater, public domain and landscaping improvement works.
The proposal request and supporting documentation is on exhibition online from Wednesday 21 April 2021 to Thursday 20 May 2021 to allow for consultation with the community as per Cumberland Planning Proposal Notification Policy. During this time, we encourage you to view the exhibition material in the document library on this page and have your say.
The documents are also available in hardcopy form at:
- Auburn Customer Service Centre, 1 Susan Street, Auburn
- Merrylands Customer Service Centre and Library, 16 Memorial Avenue, Merrylands
- Granville Library, 1 Memorial Drive, Granville.
During this community consultation period, the residents are encouraged to submit their comments on the proposal. Please include Ref: PP2021/0001 on all submissions. Submissions are due by Thursday 20 May 2021.