Cumberland Local Shops Study


The Draft Local Shops Study identifies the purpose and function of 25 local shop areas and demonstrates the key role local shops play in Cumberland, the challenges they face and their opportunities for protection and/or enhancement.

A Local Shops Study is needed to understand how to better support Cumberland’s local shops. Covid-19 has highlighted the need for convenient local services closer to home as the way we work, live and play changes.

The Draft Local Shops Study aims to protect and grow our local shops in a way which still meets the local community’s needs, while nurturing their individual character and identity.

Economic: Improvements to public domain and potential refinements to planning controls at some locations will enable local shops to grow, support local businesses and residents.

Social: Inviting public domain with increased activity will provide you with meeting places to catch up on the latest news in the community. It will also foster outdoor dining and convenience shopping experience.

Environmental: Strengthening our local shops will provide more options for the community, delivering convenient local goods and services closer to your home. This will deliver more walkable and livable neighbourhoods in Cumberland.

Submissions received during the community engagement period will help us further refine the study to better protect and enhance our local shops.

Your input matters! Community’s feedback is valuable to help us shape the study and we will gather suggestions and ideas during the community engagement period to help further refine this study. The revised Local Shops Study will then be reported to a Council Meeting for final approval.

The Draft Local Shops Study identifies Burnett Street Merrylands and Louis Street Grantville local shop areas for potential planning changes. These locations have been selected as they align with future strategic planning work in Merrylands and Granville.