Duck River Regional Playground

March 2024 Update

The project is currently under the development application (D.A) process, with works scheduled to commence later this year. An update will be provided when a tender is awarded for construction.

Stage 2 Consultation Concludes -
September 2023

Consultation on the proposed Duck River Regional Playground has closed, and feedback is now being reviewed. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback. 

Stage 2 Consultation Commences - August 2023

Council is delivering a new regional playspace and picnic area 
to replace the existing equipment at the Duck River Playground next to the Auburn Botanic Gardens.  

The concept design has been updated based on feedback received in the previous consultation, further site investigations and design improvements.

The new regional playground will have a range of play equipment suitable for all ages and abilities . New park shelters. picnic settings and BBQ’s will provide a range of seating and gathering spaces for families and the community to enjoy. 

The updated concept plan for the Duck River Regional Playground can be found in the document library under 'Stage 2 - Current Consultation'. 

This project is part of the Metropolitan Greenspace Program that is proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with Local Government NSW. 




Now we want your feedback!

Council values the opinions and suggestions of the community, and would appreciate your input.

During this community consultation period, residents are encouraged to submit their comments on the proposal. Anyone who wishes to provide feedback on the proposal must do so in writing by 5pm Monday 18 September 2023.

To Make A Submission on the Proposal:

Submissions concerning the draft policy are to be made by 5pm Monday 18 September 2023

There are three ways you can lodge a submission:

  1. Complete an online submission below.
  2. Email your submission to
  3. Post your submission to The General Manager, Cumberland City Council, PO Box 42, Merrylands NSW 2160.

Stage 1 Consultation: January - February 2019

An initial consultation was held in early 2019 seeking feedback on the proposal to upgrade the playground in Duck River, Auburn. A primary concept plan was presented to the public for feedback during this time.

Based on the submissions recieved, a revised concept plan has been developed and is now on display in the document library. 


Any Questions?

If you have any questions about this project, please contact:

Richard Loudon
Landscape Architect
P: (02) 8757 9000

Join the conversation and Have Your Say!