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Cumberland Council Playground Upgrades

Consultation Background

Consultation has concluded

Cumberland Council regularly upgrades playgrounds to deliver high quality community facilities, access and recreation opportunities, aligned with Council's Community Strategic Goal 1 'A great place to live'. These upgrades are also designed to provide a safe, healthy and attractive space for parents to take their children to play. Improvements and enhancements frequently include:

  • New playground equipment
  • Access paths
  • Softfall
  • Shade trees, shrubs and grass
  • These improvements will vary depending on the project.

Please note the news items below advising of recent playground upgrades and the surveys allowing you to Have Your Say. The document library to the right allows you to view the plans.

Upgrade to Howe Street Playground, Westmead

15 September 2019

Play equipment upgrade to Howe Street Park, Westmead.

Council is upgrading the play equipment at Howe Street Park.

Should you have inquiries regarding the proposed improvements please email (attention Ahmed Mehio in the subject line).

Work is proposed to commence late 2019, with completion early 2020 - weather dependent.

Acknowledgement: this project has been supported with funding from the NSW Government - Community Building Partnerships Program.

Greystanes Sportsground Playground, Greystanes, Upgrade

21 May 2019

Council is proposing to upgrade the playground at Greystanes Sportsground.

You are invited to comment on the draft proposal, which include swings and a multi-activity unit with slide.

You can view the proposal by clicking on the link in this news item or in the document library.

Should you have any further enquiries regarding the proposed improvements, please contact Council’s Landscape Architect Melanie Medrano, on 02 8757 9000.

Bombala Street Park Playground, Pendle Hill, Upgrade

20 May 2019

SEPTEMBER 2019 UPDATE on progress

Installation of new equipment is proposed to commence mid January 2020 - weather permitting.


Council is proposing to upgrade the playground at the Bombala Street Park

You are invited to comment on the draft proposal for the Bombala Street Park Playground Upgrade, which you can view by clicking on the link in this news item (also available in the document library). . Please make your submission by filling in the online survey (link above) or by email, subject titled ‘PK-BOMBAL-1 attention Richard Loudon’ to on or before 3 June 2019. Should you have any further enquiries regarding the proposed improvements, please contact Council’s Landscape Architect Richard Loudon, on 02 8757 9000.

Oxford Street Park Playground, Merrylands, Upgrade

06 May 2019

Council is proposing to upgrade the playground at Oxford Street Park, Merrylands.

You are invited to comment on the draft proposal, whcih you can view by clicking on the link in this news item (also available in the document library).

Works will include the removal of existing play equipment and the construction of a new playground area with concrete edging and softfall mulch. A new access path from the sidewalk to the playground will also be constructed.

New play equipment will include a swing set, a multi-activity unit with slide, and other equipment as budget and space permit.

The installation of two new park seats near the playground.

The new playground will provide quality play equipment facilities compliant with current playground standards.

During the construction period, part of the park will not be accessible. Council apologises for any inconvenience caused during this time.

Please make your submission by email, subject titled ‘PK-OXFOR-1' attention Ahmed Mehio’ to on or before 20 May 2019.

Should you have any further enquiries regarding the proposed improvements, please contact Council’s Landscape Architect Ahmed Mehio, on 02 8757 9000.

Cedric Hoffmann Reserve Playground, Merrylands, Upgrade

29 Apr 2019

Council has completed the upgrade to Cedric Hoffmann Reserve, Merrylands.

The upgrade includes new play equipment, shade trees and softfall mulch.

Council asked for feedback on the proposed upgrade in April and May 2019. Two submissions were received:

A comment that the park name was misspelled. New signage will be prepared and installed as part of Council's sign replacement program.

A request for more shade trees at the playground, which was incorporated into the draft proposal.

If you have any questions about this playground upgrade, please contact Council's Landscape Architect, on 8757 9000 or

Ruth Street Park Playground, Merrylands West, Upgrade

29 Apr 2019

Council is proposing to upgrade the playground at Ruth Street Park.

You are invited to comment on the draft proposal, which you can view by clicking on the link in this news item (also available in the document library).

Please make your submission by email, subject titled ‘PK-RUTHS-01 attention Melanie Medrano’ to on or before 13 May 2019.

Should you have any further enquiries regarding the proposed improvements, please contact Council’s Landscape Architect Melanie Medrano, on 02 8757 9643.