Cumberland Local Environmental Plan 2020 - Draft plan

November 2021 Update:

The new Cumberland Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2021 came into effect on 5 November 2021. The Cumberland LEP 2021 provides a unified set of controls that effectively replaces the following three LEPs that applied to the Cumberland Local Government Area (LGA):

  • Auburn LEP 2010
  • Holroyd LEP 2013
  • Parramatta LEP 2011

August 2020 Update:

At the Council meeting held on 15 July 2020, Council voted to endorse the new Local Environment Plan.

The minutes of the council meeting are available for reviewThe final version of the Local Environment Plan and the Post Exhibition Report can be found in the document library for review.


July 2020 Update:

The survey is now closed, and submissions are now being reviewed. Thank you to all who provided feedback.


June 2020 Consultation:

New planning controls for Cumberland City

Cumberland City Council is planning for the future of Cumberland City and we encourage you to have your say on our new planning controls.

Draft Cumberland Local Environmental Plan

Council has prepared a Planning Proposal for the new Cumberland Local Environmental Plan. The Planning Proposal describes how the provisions of the Auburn, Parramatta and Holroyd Local Environmental Plans, as they currently apply to the Cumberland local government area, will be consolidated to provide a single planning framework for all of Cumberland City.

The Planning Proposal for the new Cumberland Local Environmental Plan includes:

  • Harmonising existing planning controls into a single planning framework
  • A consistent minimum lot size for dual occupancy development in Cumberland of 585 square metres
  • Targeted changes to planning controls at selected locations, including Auburn Town Centre, Lidcombe Town Centre, Parramatta Road Corridor, Woodville Road Corridor and government owned sites
  • New Cumberland Heritage List, with the proposed delisting of nine heritage items that no longer meet the NSW heritage criteria for assessing heritage significance
  • Consistent planning approach for places of public worship
  • Consistent planning approach for sex services premises

Where no changes are proposed, the existing planning controls will carry over into the new planning controls for Cumberland City.

The draft Cumberland Local Environmental Plan will be supported by a new Cumberland Development Control Plan.


For More Information:

Please do not hesitate to contact the Customer Service Team on 02 8757 9000 if you have any questions about the new planning controls for Cumberland City.


  • July to August 2019 – Early consultation on draft planning controls

    Extensive communication and engagement program undertaken in conjunction with the public exhibition of the draft Cumberland 2030: Our Local Strategic Planning Statement

  • September 2019 to March 2020 – Prepare and submit Planning Proposal for Gateway Determination

    As far as practicable, the proposed planning controls for the new Cumberland LEP seek to address the early feedback received from the community.

  • March 2020 – Gateway Determination

    Received from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, outlining the conditions under which the Planning Proposal may proceed.

  • April to May 2020 – Public exhibition of Planning Proposal for draft Cumberland Local Environmental Plan

    Draft Planning Proposal for the new Cumberland Local Environmental Plan placed on public exhibition.

  • May to June 2020 – Review submissions and report to Council

    Council will review submissions received and provide a recommendation to finalise the new Cumberland Local Environmental Plan.

  • Mid to early 2021 – Finalisation and gazettal

    Finalisation and gazettal of Planning Proposal for the new Cumberland Local Environmental Plan by Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

    NOTE: Updated to early 2021