FOGO Trials

Help us get our scrap sorted

Woman holding organic waste caddy standing in a field. Caption 'let's get our scrap sorted'

Food scraps and garden waste are both high in nutrients and minerals that can be recycled.

Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) recycling will allow us to divert large amounts of food waste from landfill, reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions and creating compost to be used in farms, parks, sportsfields and gardens.

The NSW Government’s Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041 introduced new requirements for councils to provide food and garden organics collections to all NSW households by 2030.

In support of these requirements, Cumberland City Council is starting this work through a two stage trial program undertaken over the next three years. The components of the trial program include:

• Stage 1: Small scale trial to test and validate service design. This would be undertaken with up to 100 households. This stage of the trial would be undertaken during 2023.

• Stage 2: Larger scale trial with up to 1,000 households in response to the results of the small-scale trial and completion of missing elements to enable a FOGO service to be provided, such as the full provision of green bins. This stage of the trial would be prepared in 2024 and implemented in 2025.

The learnings from the two stage trial will inform the full rollout of the FOGO services across Cumberland.

Stage 1 trial

In late 2023, council will be running a small-scale kerbside collection for food organics and garden organics (FOGO). The trial is limited to selected residents in the Greystanes area. About 100 households will participate in the trial. Participants will be asked to put food scraps and garden material together in their green bin. Green bins will be collected weekly as part of the trial. The trial will start in late 2023 and be over a 7 week period.

Participants will be given a kitchen caddy, bin liners, education kit and new green wheelie bins for use in the trial and afterwards. Council will provide support to participants, including an optional in-person workshop and full education kit delivered to your home address.

Please note: If you do not participate in a trial, your service does not change, and no action is required.

  • FOGO Trial commences

    Tuesday 24 October

  • FOGO Trial concludes

    Tuesday 5 December

  • Participant Feedback invited

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