Pemulwuy Community Garden

Janary 2023 update:

This matter has been finalised and Council has entered into a licence agreement with Pemulwuy Community Group Incorporated for 1 year term.

Pemulwuy Community Garden is now open.

September 2023 update:

Consultation on the Pemulwuy Community Garden has closed, and submissions are now being reviewed. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback.

August 2023 update:

Cumberland City Council is proposing to grant a 12-month licence agreement to the Pemulwuy Community Group Incorporated for the purpose of establishing and operating a community garden over the land being comprised as Lot 773 in DP 1152946 known as Nijong Drive, Pemulwuy NSW 2145 (Lot 773 DP 1152946). 

The Pemulwuy Community Group Incorporated is a non for profit organisation and intend to operate part of the land as shown below. 


To Make A Submission on the Proposal:

Submissions concerning the above proposal are to be made by 5pm Wednesday 27 September 2023.

There are three ways you can lodge a submission:

  1. Complete an online submission below.
  2. Email your submission to
  3. Post your submission to Hope Iupeli, Coordinator Property Transactions, Cumberland City Council, PO Box 42, Merrylands NSW 2160.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about this project, please contact:

Hope Iupeli
Coordinator Property Transactions
P: (02) 8757 9000

Join the conversation and have your say!